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Student Survey Co-teaching

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Survey of students' opinions on a co-taught classroom.

1. What is your current grade level?

 Grade 5
 38 (54%) 
 Grade 6
 33 (46%) 

Total: 71

2. Which co-tauhgt class(es) are you a part of?

 Reading only
 Math only
 English only
 15 (21%) 
 Reading & Math
 20 (28%) 
 Reading & English
 Math & English
 Reading, Math & English
 17 (24%) 

Total: 71

3. I enjoyed having two teachers in this/these class(es).

 Strongly disagree
 25 (36%) 
 20 (29%) 
 Strongly agree
 17 (24%) 

Total: 70

4. I received more help in this class than in classes taught by just one teacher.

 Strongly disagree
 10 (14%) 
 25 (35%) 
 18 (25%) 
 Strongly agree
 15 (21%) 

Total: 71

5. All students were treated as equals.

 Strongly disagree
 19 (27%) 
 24 (34%) 
 Strongly agree
 17 (24%) 

Total: 71

6. I liked the variety of activites in this class.

 Strongly disagree
 25 (36%) 
 22 (31%) 
 Strongly agree
 20 (29%) 

Total: 70

7. I think I learn more when I have two teachers.

 Strongly disagree
 24 (34%) 
 18 (25%) 
 Strongly agree
 16 (23%) 

Total: 71

8. The class is more well behaved when we have two teachers.

 Strongly disagree
 12 (17%) 
 29 (41%) 
 17 (24%) 
 Strongly agree

Total: 71

9. I would like to have two teachers in my other classes.

 Strongly disagree
 12 (17%) 
 28 (39%) 
 13 (18%) 
 Strongly agree
 13 (18%) 

Total: 71

10. Do you have anything else you want to say about your co-taught class(es).

 Why we need to teachers in one class?
 The stupid kids get Mrs. Murphy, but the smart people like me don't get extra help.
 I really don't get the point. Nothing really bad or good happens, there is no good point and no bad point.
 I have learned more with 2 teachers and I think the class behaves alot more.
  Can you put two teachers in all the classes cause I don't understand stand sometimes when a teachers tells me stuff so just in case I Don't understand the first teacher the second teacher tell me something in a different way so I can understand the thing we are doing or what we need help I was thinking three teachers cause some teachers are busy with others student the third teacher can help the other students and all.
 They need to have more activities. The classes need to be more exciting. Maybe some more games that involve the whole class?
 I like Ms.Murphy and Mr.Webb because they are really nice and they help my learn more.
 I don't enjoy having two teachers in my classroom. I believe the co-teachers take away from the regular teachers
 I would like to have a co-teacher for Mr. Midden.
 In some classes It needs two teachers some it does not
 I think it benefits the students by getting the help they need quicker.
 I like teachers but it is nice to have one.
 I enjoy having two teachers but I personally don't think it makes a big impact.
 if the teacher is helping someone and you don't want to wait a long time, another teacher can help you.
 I understand that their are students that need more help than others, but I think it is unfair to the students that don't need as much help, because the co-teacher helpers I feel are just giving the students that need help the answers.
 i like having two teachers
 I think that my teachers are doing a great job and that they should keep doing what they're doing.)i(
 I think it is a lot better when there are 2 teachers!
 There should be more harsh punishments than just warnings.
 I don't like when one teacher is telling a story and the other interrupts and then the story becomes longer then it needs to be.
 The second teacher provided lots of helpful hints,tips, and ways to remember things.
 I dislike how some co-teachers (not the main teacher) constantly interrupts during the lesson. I like how the other teacher says what they want after the main teacher finishes the lesson.
 I think it is harder to learn when we have two teacher because when one teacher is talking the other one interrupts and it becomes confusing.
 The co-teacher gives examples that the main teacher might not of had known and there may be two different ways of teaching and learning, that could really help us learn more because we all have different personalities.

Total: 26